
„No545 My La Femme Nikita minimal movie poster“

aus der Galerie von chungkong
Über dieses Bild:

Convicted felon Nikita, instead of going to jail, is given a new identity and trained, stylishly, as a top secret spy/assassin.

Director: Luc Besson
Stars: Anne Parillaud, Marc Duret, Patrick Fontana

Nikita is a young lady who with three Nihilist friends commit robbery and murder while on drugs. After her trial she is not executed or taken to prison, but to a school for special operatives. She is told that Nikita no longer exists and she will be trained to pay back society for what she has done, as a spy/assassin. She is trained for over two years and with no warning is handed a gun in a restaurant and told to kill the man at the next table as her handler leaves.

Bildnummer: 60b9fcb
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