

aus der Galerie von Rosie Jackson
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This is a detail, showing Jesus, Mother Mary and Kuanyin, from the painting THE MESSENGERS OF LIGHT. This painting is based on the following telepathic message received by Rosie Jackson (see also the book THE COMPLETE SERAPHIN MESSAGES She has also composed a song of the same name:

Seraphin Message 239: TO THE MESSENGERS OF LIGHT
Through Rosie, 1st September 2015

Yes, it is you, dear Children on Earth, to whom we are speaking. If you are reading these words and are filled with the immense possibilities which life can unfold to you, if you feel a quickening impulse within you to do something of REAL LASTING WORTH IN YOUR LIFE WHICH BENEFITS OTHERS, if you dream of huge vistas and endless opportunities, if you imagine yourself celebrating your achievements with others following the climax of your co-creative activities, IT IS YOU WE WISH TO ADDRESS TODAY (From the book series THE COMPLETE SERAPHIN MESSAGES).


Everybody knows that there’s a bomb for explosion
And now everyone’s pretending not to cry  Everybody knows that there’s a man for the detonation  And they will be pretending not to die    But the fear that is calling is falling away through the sand  And the light that is forming starts to spread through the land.  Starts to spread, oh starts to spread throughout the land,  Starts to spread, oh starts to spread throughout the land    You said we were beautiful  That the song we sing would travel in  A journey never ending  You gave your angelic hand  And spoke to us, oh let us be  Your messengers for sending word  Your messengers for sending word    Everybody knows that there’s a year for starvation  And now everyone’s pretending not to see.  Try to realise that there’s a world for rejuvenation  And how to love and live eternally.    But we are one with the Father  We’re one with the sand and the earth  We are one with the Mother  Every day we rebirth.    Oh we know you are near us,  For we heard your voice in the dark,  And we know you will guide us,  When we run, instead of walk  When we sing, oh when we sing, instead of cry  When we wonder, instead of wondering why    Oh let us be your messengers of light,  Oh let us be your messengers of light,  Oh let us be your messengers of light,  Oh let us be your messengers of light    Seraphin Message 239: TO THE MESSENGERS OF LIGHT  Through Rosie, 1st September 2015    Yes, it is you, dear Children on Earth, to whom we are speaking. If you are reading these words and are filled with the immense possibilities which life can unfold to you, if you feel a quickening impulse within you to do something of REAL LASTING WORTH IN YOUR LIFE WHICH BENEFITS OTHERS, if you dream of huge vistas and endless opportunities, if you imagine yourself celebrating your achievements with others following the climax of your co-creative activities, IT IS YOU WE WISH TO ADDRESS TODAY (From the book series THE COMPLETE SERAPHIN MESSAGES).    From SONGS FOR THE ERA OF LIGHT AND LIFE, released April 28, 2021

Bildnummer: 12e6273
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